
Sims 4 add traits in regular menu mod from add more cas traits
Sims 4 add traits in regular menu mod from add more cas traits

sims 4 add traits in regular menu mod from add more cas traits

These mods although seemingly negative add a lot of realism to The Sims, hence its popularity amongst the community with almost 90,000 downloads on Mod the Sims. Misery traits by NateTheL0ser add more versatile, negative traits.

sims 4 add traits in regular menu mod from add more cas traits

The following is a list of the best Sims 4 trait mods available currently, as always download mods at your discretion as they are not supported by Maxis and you may run into gameplay issues as a result. Check out our Sims 4 toddler cheats guide and learn how to max out your toddler's skills and disable their "need decay".Launch the Sims 4 > go to 'Options' > click 'Other' > Tick the 'Enable custom content and mods' box > Restart the game. Once pasted in your mods folder, to enable the mods in your game, follow these steps: My Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods Once you have downloaded a mod via any of the links in this guide, make sure to copy the file from your downloads folder (unzip it first if needed), then place it in your mods folder via the following file path: Since their recent collaboration, many Sims modders have uploaded their work via Curseforge here. You may also wish to back up your saved file before implementing mods to avoid save file corruption. It might be, that it has an unnoted conflict with other mods I have.When downloading CC and mods make sure it's from a reputable source. I`m not sure why, but it dosen't shows up for me neither.

sims 4 add traits in regular menu mod from add more cas traits

Script mods are enabled and my other mods seem to be working fine.Īm I missing something or is this mod not working atm? Just for kicks I also tried all the versions of "traits.equip_trait TraitName" that i could think of and that didn't work either. tried it with and without the brackets, with and without leaving the words 'traitname' in there, with and without quotations,Īnd with the game paused and unpaused. i tried it with modded in traits as well as default traits to no avail. I've got it in live mode, done cntrl + shift + c, typed traits.equip_trait trait_ and used the exact trait name, no spaces, correct capitalization to match the how they look in CAS. That being said this is not working for me at all, not sure if I'm missing something? First of all this is exactly the kind of mod I've been searching for so thank you so much for making it and maintaining it!

Sims 4 add traits in regular menu mod from add more cas traits