He fits in with the other students, he's not that much shorter than they are. SCU SOUNDBITE (English) PROFESSOR KEVIN McCRIMMON SAYING: "He fits in very well. SMV PROFESSOR KEVIN McCRIMMON TALKING TO CLASS And I've made many friendships and they've given me such a great opportunity to interact with them as well as to learn." And I see myself as another student who wants to gain as much knowledge as they can." (REPORTER ASKS: AND HOW HAVE YOU FELT WITH YOUR OTHER CLASSMATES, AS FAR AS THEIR ACCEPTANCE?) "My other classmates have been wonderful. And I love the abilities I'm gaining to learn. SCU SOUNDBITE (English) GREG SMITH SAYING: "I love my life. VARIOUS OF GREG WORKING WITH STUDY GROUP (4 SHOTS) And so I believe one of the most important things in preparing for the sciences is to get a great mathematics foundation." I believe that science is the gateway to understanding the mysteries of our universe and that mathematics is the beacon that lights its path. SCU SOUNDBITE (English) GREG SMITH SAYING: "I do desire to get four Ph.D.s, in mathematics, biomedical research, aerospace engineering and political science. SLV GREG WALKING ON UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA CAMPUS VARIOUS OF GREGORY SMITH WRITING MATHEMATICAL PROOF ON BLACKBOARD (2 SHOTS) Summary: CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA UNITED STATES (JUNE 25) (REUTERS).Title: USA: 14 YEAR OLD GREG SMITH IS MATHEMATICAL GENIUS AT UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA.